Divinely Decreed Ethics In Action
Michael Chossudovsky, writing for GlobalResearch.ca, puts the Iraq war, US belligerence toward Iran and Israel's invasion of Lebannon into global perspective.
The war mongering, power hungry USA is on the path toward WW3, with Stephen Harper dragging Canadians along for the ride. And of course ultimately it's all about energy.
The logic behind it all is just so iron-clad. I mean, who could argue with choosing to spend trillions buying war, destruction and death, rather than trillions, or hell even billions on renewable energy, mutual respect and co-operation, and life.
We're just all so darn ethical.
The war mongering, power hungry USA is on the path toward WW3, with Stephen Harper dragging Canadians along for the ride. And of course ultimately it's all about energy.
The logic behind it all is just so iron-clad. I mean, who could argue with choosing to spend trillions buying war, destruction and death, rather than trillions, or hell even billions on renewable energy, mutual respect and co-operation, and life.
We're just all so darn ethical.
Labels: ethics, War of Terror