US Politicians Slightly Loonier Today Than Yesterday

Why you ask? Two reasons mainly. Two standout wackos jumped into my fairly wide field of vision recently with these stories:
Republican Congressman Steve King, who believes the following:
I recognized that we're a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, and we're coming up to Christmastime. ... It's time we stood up and said so, and said to the rest of America, Be who you are and be confident.
That's right, Jesus Freaks. It's time y'all stood up to the heathens and blasphemers in your midst. It only takes a bit of extra inquisitiveness on your part to root them out.
And Republican Senator Bond, Kit Bond, who likens waterboarding, or torture as I prefer to call it, to swimming. OK, maybe swimming after a big pig out on caviar and chocolate truffles.... with someone holding your fucking head underwater. Asshole.