Viva La Revolución! Redux
I had to return to Fidel Castro and the documentary I watched last night.
One of the things I believe is that all of our actions and words actively change the world around us, whether we want them to or not. We are the creators of our reality. What we say, do and think is reflected in our daily reality.
With that in mind, watch the video referenced above, the way Castro interacts with his countrymen and the way he is greeted by millions around the world, and compare that with George (Wha?) Bush's reality (which fits nicely with the title of this blog).
There is also this story by Salim Lamrani. Here's a little snippet:
The CANF (Cuban-American National Foundation) has been carrying out terrorist activities against Cuba for years from it's headquarters in Miami, all with the blessing of the US Government (and I do mean blessing - halleluja).
Compare this with the saga of The Cuban Five. I'm guessing that they aren't having an anniversary party.
Once again, this illustrates the utter hypocrisy of US foreign Policy.
One of the things I believe is that all of our actions and words actively change the world around us, whether we want them to or not. We are the creators of our reality. What we say, do and think is reflected in our daily reality.
With that in mind, watch the video referenced above, the way Castro interacts with his countrymen and the way he is greeted by millions around the world, and compare that with George (Wha?) Bush's reality (which fits nicely with the title of this blog).
There is also this story by Salim Lamrani. Here's a little snippet:
Jose Antonio Llama, a former CANF director, revealed publicly what everyone knew for a long time: the CANF is a terrorist organization. Llama acknowledged that he, along with members of the organization's hierarchy, had set up a paramilitary group to carry out attacks on Cuba and to assassinate its president, Fidel Castro.
The CANF (Cuban-American National Foundation) has been carrying out terrorist activities against Cuba for years from it's headquarters in Miami, all with the blessing of the US Government (and I do mean blessing - halleluja).
Compare this with the saga of The Cuban Five. I'm guessing that they aren't having an anniversary party.
Once again, this illustrates the utter hypocrisy of US foreign Policy.