America the Tyrannical

Today is the beginning of the death of the USA. The ship of fools is sinking.
The US Senate has passed a law that wipes out 800 years of history and basic human rights. The USA has passed a law condoning conduct that was one of the catalysts towards the creation of America; the rejection of king-like powers and the embracing of rule by the people, for the people. They have given the president (or anyone in the executive) the power to arbitrarily kidnap you, suspend your rights of habeas corpus, and torture you, according to his definition of torture, and they never have to tell you anything while doing this to you.
The land of the free and the home of the brave, the USA has joined the ranks of every two bit dictator it's ever professed to despise. George Bush and his criminal, cowardly, pathetic cronies have become tyrants, they can count Saddam Hussein as a brother, or Pol-Pot, or Pinochet.
The reason this law was initiated, and passed, was to insulate the Bush administration from prosecution for torturing people during the farce that is the war on terror. They are spending their time not trying to make their country safer or help make life better for their citizens (whom they work for) but passing laws pardoning themselves for crimes committed against American citizens and non-citizens. In the process they are destroying democracy.
This is so fucking goddam outrageous on so many levels, I feel like throwing up. Where are George's shoes?
Labels: Bush, war criminal