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The Free Press and ADD

Project Censored has released their top 25 censored or under-reported stories of 2006, and quite a list it is.

Among stories on Canada's planned military subordinance to the US, the US military's contracting of human rights abusers, and the continuing rape of Iraq, story #5 really caught my eye: U.S. uses Tsunami to Military Advantage in Southeast Asia. To quote:
At the same time that U.S. aid was widely publicized domestically, our coinciding military motives were virtually ignored by the press. While supplying our aid (which when compared proportionately to that of other, less wealthy countries, was an insulting pittance), we simultaneously bolstered military alliances with regional powers in, and began expanding our bases throughout, the Indian Ocean region.

With all the entertainment news, politiclone punditry and speculation on who's tit will pop out next, I guess there's just not enought time in the day for the press to get around to the important stuff.


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