'Politiclone' Enters the Lexicon!
I seem to have invented the word 'politiclone' in a previous post. I just did a search for it online and the only reference is to this blog (and once on an Italian forum, but that's a different language so I'm not counting it).
I rock!
I hereby coin the term:
...and order it's usage forthwith.
I know it's not quite on par with 'suiciders' or 'misunderestimate' or 'embetterment', but then, I didn't go to Yale.
I rock!
I hereby coin the term:
politiclone (puh-LIT-i-klohn), adjective
def: a political pundit or commentator who is unable to think for her/himself.
...and order it's usage forthwith.
I know it's not quite on par with 'suiciders' or 'misunderestimate' or 'embetterment', but then, I didn't go to Yale.