Brilliant documentary from John Pilger, on the effects of corporate globalization on the third world and specifically Indonesia.
- Between 39:10 and 44:00, Pilger interviews Stanley Fischer, a top IMF bureaucrat. Fischer squirms and twists, answering Pilger's questions about debt relief with the usual patent answers (I wish Pilger would have brought up the example of Solon of Athens).
- At around 42:50, Pilger hits him with a UN report on the negative effects corporate globalization has had on human rights. "Globalization has caused global conditions of inequality and discrimination." Fischer actual grins while he says he can't respond because he doesn't understand the context. He appears amused at this silly little question, or baffled. "I'd have thought it was the opposite" he says.
- Pilger then brings up the specific example of Indonesia, to which Fischer responds "...Indonesia grew throughout the 60's ... incomes rose ... there was a dictatorship ... some of their rights were, uh, where, uh, suppressed ... " (italics added) to which Pilger responds "Excuse me Mr. Fischer, you say some of their rights were suppressed. A third of the population of East Timor were killed under the Suharto regime." Fischer then gets indignant, saying "What are you asking me that question for? Do you think we supported the Suharto regime? Don't be ridiculous." to which Pilger responds "Well, did you speak out against it?". Beautiful.
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on February 04, 2007 at 7:13 PM.
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Well written article.
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